MAPA Anonymisation

  ADDRESS   AMOUNT   DATE   ORGANISATION   PERSON   TIME   VEHICLE   AGE   ETHNIC CATEGORY   FINANCIAL   ID document number   MARITAL STATUS   NATIONALITY   PROFESSION   ROLE   build year   building   calendar event   city   colour   country   day   day of week   email   family name   family name - female   family name - male   given name   given name - female   given name - male   health insurance number   initial name   licence plate number   medical record number   model   month   other:address   other:amount   other:contact   other:date   other:id   other:name   other:role   other:vehicle   place   postcode   social security number   standard abbreviation   street   telephone number   territory   title   type   unit   unresolved:address   unresolved:amount   unresolved:contact   unresolved:date   unresolved:id   unresolved:name   unresolved:vehicle   url   value   year

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